Christian Science Society, Nags Head

Welcome to the Christian Science Society in Nags head on the Outer Banks.
Our Society has been meeting for decades in various locations before building a church on the Bypass at Milepost 13.5.
We welcome all visitors to our weekly Sunday services and Wednesday testimony meetings, where we share our love for God, the Scriptures, our community, and world.
Our church is a branch of the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, which is the headquarters for the global activities of the Christian Science Church.
Sunday Services
The Bible Lesson sermon is available for study in advance each week and is designed to address personal, global, social, and political issues-and most importantly help congregants discover the blessings of Christian living.
Every Christian Science church around the world reads the same weekly sermon which unifies our services.
Our Sunday services provide fellowship and healing inspiration.
Testimony Meetings
On Wednesday night, we host a one-hour Testimony Meeting. The first half of the meeting includes prayer, hymns, and readings from our Pastor, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
The second half invites congregants to share remarks, spiritual insights, and healings they have had from their study of Christian Science. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday School
We currently don’t hold classes.
Sunday School for students up to the age of 20 is available every Sunday online at:
Online Sunday School classes meet via live video and/or audio conference. Classes are held at various times–reflecting the different time-zones where students live–and last for one hour. Classes are available in English, French, and Spanish, and requests for classes in other languages can be considered.
Children’s Room
We provide an interactive and comfortable space for babies and toddlers up to four years old during Sunday and Wednesday services.
Reading Room
Our location offers an honor system lending library.
There are more than 2,000 cities and towns worldwide with a Christian Science Reading Room, which offer for sale Bibles, Bible Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries, the Christian Science textbook…
… Science and Health, with key to the Scriptures, as well as a monthly, and a weekly inspirational magazine, and much more.
Deep and life-changing inspiration has been experienced by many people, while visiting one of the many Christian Science Reading Rooms around the world.
Church, Reading Room and Contact Information
Sunday Serviceand Sunday School
10:00 AM (call to confirm service)Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7 PM in person and Zoom (call to confirm service)Thanksgiving Day Service
Reading Room Hours
Available online. See above.Church and Reading Room
4410 S Croatan Hwy(between 13th and 14th mile post)
Nags Head
Call Earl at (252) 207-2757 for Zoom login codes and current information about in person services.
Mailing Address
PO Box 1734Nags Head NC 27959