First Church of Christ, Scientist, Charlotte
Welcome to one of the oldest Christian Science churches in the Charlotte region, located in the Queen City’s historic Dilworth section.
Our cornerstone was laid in 1939 and in the years since members and visitors have gathered in our beautiful sanctuary to worship and pray for inspiration, guidance, and healing in a loving, peaceful, Christian environment.
We welcome all visitors and newcomers to our weekly Sunday services and Wednesday testimony meetings, where we share our love for God, the Scriptures, our community, and our world.
Our church is a branch of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, which is the headquarters for the global activities of the Christian Science Church.
Sunday Services
Our Sunday morning service includes a sermon, prayer, and the singing of hymns and a solo. We also provide Sunday School instruction for young people up to the age of twenty.
Our sermon focuses on a unique topic and includes readings from our pastor, with citations from the Bible and our denominational textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by the founder of our church Mary Baker Eddy.
Each weekly Bible Lesson sermon is available for study in advance and designed to address personal, global, social, and political issues–and most importantly help congregants discover the blessings of Christian living.
The same sermon is delivered in Christian Science churches around the world, uniting us with our global membership. Church on Sunday provides fellowship and healing inspiration that enriches lives in countless ways.
Enjoy a Solo From a Sunday Service
Music is an integral part of all Christian Science services. During the Sunday service a solo is sung with musical accompaniment. We invite you to enjoy these solos.
Wednesday Evening Meetings
Every Wednesday night, we host a one-hour Testimony Meeting. The first half of the meeting includes prayer, hymns, and readings from our Pastor, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
The second half invites congregants to share remarks, spiritual insights, and healings they have had from their study of Christian Science. All are welcomed to these meetings in person or via Zoom.
Sunday School
Christian Science Sunday School is for students up to the age of 20 and meets at the same time as our Church Service. Age-appropriate classes of children and teens learn a curriculum based on the Bible (both the Old and New Testament) and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
This instruction gives students foundational tools for how to apply prayer in their daily lives. Teachers share lessons on the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the life and ministry of Christ Jesus, the prophets, the disciples, and the apostles.
Children’s Room
We provide an interactive and comfortable space for babies and toddlers up to four years old during Sunday and Wednesday services.
Reading Room
Christian Science Reading Rooms, located in more than 2,000 cities and towns worldwide, are like a library or bookstore where the public can find a quiet place to read, study, and purchase resources to nurture their spiritual growth. Items for sale include Bibles and Bible resources, the Christian Science textbook, and other books by Mary Baker Eddy, the Church’s monthly and weekly religious magazines, and much more.
Many people have had their lives changed through a visit to a local Christian Science Reading Room.
Come check ours out!
We are located at 300 East Blvd, Suite B2, in Charlotte. See map and hours below.
Wednesday Evening Readings
Topic: Trust Truth with the courage of a lion Hymns: 460, 409, 146
Topic: One Divine Influencer Hymns: 21, 98, 791
Topic: Our Unity in Divine Freedom Hymns: 136, 597, 327
Church, Reading Room and Contact Information
Sunday Serviceand Sunday School
10:30 AMWednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM (in-person and ZOOM)Join ZOOM Meeting
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AMReading Room Hours
10 - 3 on Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday10 - 7 on Wednesday
10 - 1 on Saturday
11:45 - 12:30 on the last Sunday of the month
Phone 704.332.2845
Church Location1048 E Morehead St
Charlotte, NC 28204 704-334-1973
Reading Room
Reading Room Location300 East Blvd
Suite B2,
Charlotte, NC 28203