First Church of Christ, Scientist, Greensboro

We support our community through individual and collective prayer, spiritual healing, and worship through our weekly Sunday and Wednesday services, Sunday School (for children up to age 20) and Reading Room.
We follow the teachings and practice of Christ Jesus, and our dual pastor is the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science. Come and visit – everyone is welcome!
History of our Church
Beginning with a smaller Christian Science Society in 1916, our Greensboro congregation grew to become First Church of Christ, Scientist, Greensboro and found a permanent home in 1962 on a beautiful tree-shaded hillside on Arden Place. Plans were drawn by Architect A. Claude Davis.
The ground-breaking ceremony was held on June 2, 1966, and the first service in the new church building was held five months later on Thanksgiving Day.
Sunday Services

Every week, Christian Scientists around the world study the weekly Bible Lesson published in our Christian Science Quarterly.

Composed of citations from the Bible and from our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, these Bible lessons explore a different topic each week of timely relevance.
On Sunday mornings, our focus is this Bible Lesson, read aloud by our elected readers, accompanied by prayer, hymns, and a solo.
Our services are healing services, fulfilling our textbook’s definition of church as “that institution, which affords proof of its utility.” You are welcome to take home a copy of the Quarterly and join in this quest for a purely spiritual understanding of God and His creation.

Organist Tatiana Shulgina
Enjoy a solo from a Sunday service, “Cause Me to Hear.”
Recorded by our soloist Elena Flores and our organist Tatiana Shulgina

Soloist Elena Flores
Wednesday Evening Meetings

Every Wednesday we gather to hear readings on a specific topic from the Bible and our textbook.
After the readings, accompanied by prayer and hymns, those attending have an opportunity to express gratitude and share their inspiration and healing resulting from their prayers and individual study of Christian Science.

Sunday School

In our Christian Science Sunday School, young people up to the age of 20 learn how to pray and turn to God for help.
They discover how Biblical teachings such as the Ten Commandments and Christ Jesus’ Lord’s Prayer and Sermon on the Mount are practical tools for health and solutions in their daily lives. In age-appropriate ways, they also study the weekly Bible Lesson from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Scientists often speak to the strong foundation laid in their weekly Sunday School classes.
In age-appropriate ways, they also study the weekly Bible Lesson from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
Christian Scientists often speak to the strong foundation laid in their weekly Sunday School classes.
Children’s Room

Infants and toddlers too young for Sunday School or Wednesday services are cared for in our Children’s Room.

Reading Room
Our Reading Room, located downstairs in our church and open to the public, is a combination bookstore, library, and information center.
Like all Christian Science Reading Rooms, it offers a quiet oasis for prayer and study of the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, as well as all periodicals and books printed by the Christian Science Publishing Society.
Online resources, reference books, and bound volumes of past periodicals are available for spiritual exploration, and an attendant is available to answer questions.

Church, Reading Room and Contact Information
Sunday Serviceand Sunday School
10:30 AM (childcare available)Wednesday Testimony Meeting
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Noon7:30 p.m. all other Wednesdays
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AMReading Room Hours
Open Saturdays from 10 am to Noon.Also open by appointment by phone or email.
Located in the lower level of the church.
Church and Reading Room
105 Arden Place, Greensboro, NC336-274-1759
Church and Reading Room Location
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