Christian Science Society, Chapel Hill

There has been Christian Science activity in Chapel Hill since the 1930s, initially on the campus of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Now we meet in our beautiful, light-filled church, designed by a prominent local architect in the 1990s.
We welcome all visitors and newcomers to our weekly Sunday services where we share our love for God, the Scriptures, our community, and our world.
Additionally, we serve the Chapel Hill community, including membership in the Interfaith Council, and contributing to Meals on Wheels. We provide Christian Science Monitors subscriptions for our local school libraries and other community agencies, including fire stations.
Our society is a branch of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, which is the headquarters for the global activities of the Christian Science Church.
Sunday Services

Our Sunday morning service includes a weekly Bible based Lesson-Sermon, as well as prayer, the singing of hymns, and an organ solo.
Each weekly lesson sermon consists of citations from the Bible and our denominational textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by the founder of our church, Mary Baker Eddy.
These Sunday lesson sermons are read in Christian Science churches around the world and are available for study each week in advance.
They are designed to provide healing inspiration for personal, social, political and global issues. We find that they give us a sense of unity in our praise of God and love for all mankind.
Music is an integral part of all Christian Science services. During the Sunday service our organist provides accompaniment for our hymns and a specially selected organ solo for each Sunday’s lesson.
Testimony Meetings

We hold occasional, informal Testimony Meetings following our Sunday morning church service.
Those attending are invited to share remarks, spiritual insights, and healings they have had from their study of Christian Science.
Sunday School
We do have a beautiful Sunday School, but currently don’t hold classes.
Christian Science Sunday School is for students up to the age of 20 and meets at the same time as our Church Service. Age-appropriate classes of children and teens learn a curriculum based on the Bible (both the Old and New Testament) and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
This instruction gives students foundational tools for how to apply prayer in their daily lives.
Teachers share lessons on the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the life and ministry of Christ Jesus, the prophets, the disciples, and the apostles.
Children’s Room
Although we do have a designated space, we currently don’t offer child care.
Reading Room

Christian Science Reading Rooms are located in more than 2,000 cities and towns worldwide, are like a library or bookstore where the public can find a quiet place to read, study, and purchase resources to nurture their spiritual growth.
Items for sale include Bibles and Bible resources, the Christian Science textbook…
and other books by Mary Baker Eddy, the Church’s monthly and weekly religious magazines, and much more.
Many people have had their lives changed through a visit to a local Christian Science Reading Room.
Church, Reading Room and Contact Information
Sunday Serviceand Sunday School
10:30 AMWednesday Testimony Meeting
We hold irregular testimony gatherings after Sunday Services.Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AMReading Room Hours
We are open the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month From 11:00 am to 1:00 pmChurch and Reading Room
1300 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Church and Reading Room Location
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