Christian Science Church, Asheville

Welcome to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Asheville, one of the bigger cities in the Blue Ridge Mountains, well known as a center for nature, art and architecture here in western North Carolina.
As a branch church we have a long and rich history right here in the center of Asheville. We would love to meet you.
Self-governed through a democratic election process, all churches of Christ, Scientist are designed to make the healing and educational system known as Christian Science available and accessible to everyone.
Sunday Services

A warm welcome awaits you on Sunday mornings to celebrate the power and presence of divine Spirit in your life.
These services include readings from the Bible, the book on which Christian Science is based, and our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. Together these books serve as our pastor.
At the services you will find an atmosphere of caring, support, and acceptance. Recently, a frequent visitor to the Asheville Christian Science church said that it was the most loving environment she had ever found anywhere.
The expression of love by our members decides all our actions.
Wednesday Testimony Meetings

Every week we hold mid-week testimony meetings on Wednesday evenings for the sharing of healing experiences and spiritual insights gained through the study and practice of Christian Science.
These meetings also include readings compiled by a church member from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, addressing individual, community, and world needs.
Sunday School

Our Sunday School, for young people up to the age of 20, meets at the same time as our Sunday services. Here children are taught the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, Bible stories, and helpful lessons from the Christian Science textbook.
They learn how to put spiritual truths into practice for themselves and others through the Bible-based teachings of Christian Science.

Children’s Room
A Children’s Room, which offers loving care for infants and toddlers, is available during all of our services.
Reading Room

You are always welcomed at our Reading Room. This is a great place for spiritual study and prayer. A church member is on duty to answer any questions you may have.
You can study the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, read Christian Science magazines, read or listen to a wide range of articles on JSH-Online, listen to inspirational music, and pray.
You can also borrow or purchase a variety of books, magazines, pamphlets, CDs, and items for children. The Christian Science Monitor, an acclaimed international newspaper, is available to read or purchase.
Our Reading Room is located in the Miles building at 2 Wall Street in downtown Asheville.
Public parking is available in the Wall St parking garage (the first hour is free) and at metered street parking.
Our bookstore is open to anyone exploring spiritual answers to life’s many questions and problems.
Church, Reading Room and Contact Information
Sunday Serviceand Sunday School
10:30 AM (childcare available)Also via Zoom
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM (childcare available)Also via Zoom
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AMReading Room Hours
Monday-Friday 12-3 PMChurch
Church Location64 N. French Broad Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 252-1787
Reading Room
Reading Room LocationMiles Bldg, 2-1/2 Wall St.
(look for the Flat Iron sculpture)
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